The following reading suggestions were provided by Chris Swain, Director of Lifeway Student Ministry Publishing
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Here is an interesting article in The Atlantic about Abortion and why the rate is falling.
Human life continues to be devalued every day in our world. It is important for student leaders to be able to communicate with students about the Christian worldview in light of related issues..
This is a powerful book written by fellow Lifeway employee Michael Kelley. Kelley writes about his experience with his own child and a diagnosis of cancer. With transparency and humility, Kelley helps the reader see how God works through difficult circumstances. This is a very helpful book for leaders looking to minister to others in difficult situations as well a great story about God’s faithfulness even in the storms of life.
Have you ever wanted to quit ministry? Have you ever been overwhelmed and felt underappreciated while working with students? I know I have. This great book by Greg Stier helps peel away the issues that steal joy from serving and helps the student leader refocus on why he or she got into student ministry in the first place.