The following post was written by Ben Trueblood, Director of Lifeway Student Ministry
(Click underlined titles for links)
– It’s Christmas time so what better way to start off this week’s “What to Read Wednesday” than with some research about what Americans think about the Christian part of Christmas…
Ed Stetzer – New Research: Americans Want to Keep Christ in Christmas
– A common topic of conversation in student ministry centers around ministering to parents and equipping them as the primary disciplers of their students. It is a worthy and needed conversation, but it is one that is still developing. As such, I get asked all the time about what exists that youth pastors can put in the hands of parents to help them. This next article is one of those things. It is a great read for you as a youth pastor, but also an excellent article that you can pass on to the parents of your ministry.
Brian Housman – Dealing with Spiritual Doubt
– Gospel Centered Teaching by Trevin Wax
This is a great read for you and something you can share with your leaders. The following description is taken straight from the page linked above: For small group leaders and Sunday school facilitators who prefer truth over technique, Gospel-Centered Teaching is refreshing in its simple purpose to remind you of something you already instinctively know: It’s Jesus who changes lives, and the goal of your Bible study is to continually reintroduce people to Him.