The following post was written by Jesse Campbell, Editor of Explore the Bible for students
(Click underlined text for links)
The wisdom of Sustainable Youth Ministry by Mark Devries saves ministry careers, lengthens ministry tenures, and prepares student ministries to experience growth. When I implemented its highly practical “nuts-and-bolts” advice in my first student ministry, God moved and the ministry began to see a stubborn trend of healthy growth that outlasted my time at that church and continues today – five years later. This immensely important book will help you to define your ministry’s vision, recruit solid leaders, structure your ministry for growth, and facilitate a culture of love that lasts.
Make disciples. Though we vary in our approaches, styles, and contexts, our shared mission is to make disciples. Discipleshift by Jim Putnam, Bob Harrington, and Robert Coleman is a well-researched manifesto on how your ministry can be equipped to make disciples who make disciples. This is the ministry growth model that is built into the Great Commission when it is obeyed. I recommend you put a copy of this book in the hands of every member of your ministry’s team. I did.
I was incredibly blessed by how dumb I felt listening to the questions and answers at the end of Eric Metaxas’ interview with Stephen Meyer on Socrates in the City (sixth video embedded as you scroll down). Stephen Meyer is a genius and his inflammatory, brilliant book on Intelligent Design is worthy of shelf-space alongside the works of William Dembski and Michael Behe. I also recommend watching the interviews with Alice Von Hildebrand and Malcolm Gladwell.
Do not grow weary, hero. Your work for the Lord is never in vain. Be blessed!
In Christ,
Jesse Campbell