In your pursuit to make disciples of students and their families, graduation season is one of the most important. As you know, your families are experiencing a mix of emotions as they walk through these special days. For many, your window of influence is closing and you are thinking through how you can finish strongly with the graduating seniors in your ministry. But what about the parents? Many churches will have some type of breakfast or event to honor the graduates and their families, but what is your church doing to really equip parents to walk through this season with their senior? To help you in this endeavor we wanted to pass along to you this free gift, A Parent’s Guide to Graduation, by Dr. Stephen R. Graves.
Dr. Graves is an executive coach and author who frequently addresses topics related to strategy, work, and faith. He has written this fantastic ebook to help parents walk through graduation, making the most of the relational and leadership shift that is inevitable at this point in their lives. As a former student pastor myself, I am thankful for Dr. Graves’ heart to equip parents to make the most of what can be a very difficult time. His desire is to pass along this free resource to you so that it may benefit you in your ministry and in your calling to make disciples of students and their families. You can find out more about Dr. Stephen Graves on his website at:
Click here to download your free copy of A Parent’s Guide to Graduation.