I’m not sure what it is that drives this desire, but I’ve seen that often in ministry, there is idolization of having a platform. This desire is not always for a physical platform to speak from, but is generally directed toward having a certain ministry size, esteemed position, or something else that seems bigger or better at face value.
So what do you do if God doesn’t give you a platform? Or a big ministry?
What if, in fact, instead of a fancy stage, a big student group, or a large following on Instagram, God has given you seemingly “minor” things to steward?
Like dropping off popsicles at practice again.
Or meeting up with the new kids for coffee each week.
Or to keep showing up for Chick-fil-A takeovers after Wednesday night church.
What if God doesn’t need a platform to use you?
Are you okay if He only wants to use you in the small, mundane moments of ministry?
I think if you’re in ministry of any kind and if you’re anything like me, you wrestle with knowing how to answer those questions honestly. Because it’s hard to imagine how God can use small moments of paperwork and meeting with parents and countless school lunches to make a huge impact. However, that is often exactly where God is working in and through us.
Desperation for elevation
Our gracious Heavenly Father is too big and too good to only let “influencers” and big platforms to be used for His glory. And I think the longer we feel a desperation for that kind of elevation, the longer we miss out on what God is doing right where we are.
It’s okay to believe God has called you to more—to pastor a bigger church, to have more say in your ministry, to teach and preach more. But we have to be careful not to confuse our calling with the natural, yet sinful desire of pride. And we can’t forsake our current position. We can’t grow weary in the here and now.
The longer we feel a desperation for that kind of elevation, the longer we miss out on what God is doing right where we are.
Sowing from the flesh vs. the Spirit
Galatians 6:9 is a well-quoted verse: “Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don’t give up.” Ain’t that some good truth? But, we have to look at the verses that lead up verse 9 to get the full impact of what God is trying to teach.
Look at verses 7-8: “Don’t be deceived: God is not mocked. For whatever a person sows he will also reap, because the one who sows to his flesh will reap destruction from the flesh, but the one who sows to the Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit.”
Yikes. This is where we have to go back to the questions at the beginning and evaluate where we are at. Are we trying to sow out of our flesh or out of the Spirit? What is the condition of our hearts when we stand on a stage or share a stage? Are we too good for cleaning up after an event or do we graciously serve others?
If you are graciously serving the Lord out of the power of the Holy Spirit, I can assure you that you WILL “reap eternal life from the Spirit.” You will see the fruit from your labor. You can persevere knowing that no matter what small thing the Lord has handed you, He will reap a harvest that can’t be compared.
Don’t grow weary in the small things, friends. God won’t waste your faithfulness.

Amanda Mejias serves as the Lifeway Girls Brand Specialist, which is just a super fun way of saying that she serves parents and leaders of teen girls. After serving on church staff for many years, she is passionate about building relationships and creating resources that equip the local church. Amanda has been married to her wonderful husband, Brandon, for almost five years, and they have a daughter named Blakely. When she is not chasing her toddler around, Amanda is always down to hear a good joke, meet for coffee, and talk about her golden retriever.