There are ten million details that go into planning an event, and if we’re being honest, it is one of the most stressful parts about working and serving in student ministry. In fact, the amount of time we spend planning and creating would probably far surpass the amount of time we spend with students and their parents or our leaders. And that’s because in order to have a great event that students will love and actually come to, it takes a lot of work and a lot of time that you probably don’t have.
But what if we told you that we took care of all the creating and planning so you could take care of the ministering? That everything you need to plan and execute a retreat or Disciple Now was in one easy download? What if we told you that you were the exact person we thought of when we created this resource?
Over the last year, we have been creating and releasing full event packages designed to serve ministry leaders so that you could then serve your students. Our event resources are specifically designed to make your job easier when it comes to planning those special retreat and weekend events for your students.
Need a 6-9 month planning timeline that walks you through every single step of the process? Look no further!
Need creative videos? Done.
Promotional content? We got you covered.
Don’t have time to write group discussions or sermon outlines? They’re all ready for you.
Need help with leader resources and parent communication? That’s our specialty.
Want to print an unlimited number of student and leader books for no extra cost? Yep, that’s included too.
And listen, that’s not even everything. You can check out a sneak peak of what else is included in each of our Digital Launch Kits here!

There are six different launch kits that offer the same great resources all based around their individual themes. Each digital launch kit is priced at $59.99 and is available for instant download to serve groups of all sizes. If you prefer to have print materials for students, you can also order print copies of the student books at $6.99 each.
Don’t lose valuable time planning details. We’ve got you covered.