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Join Ben as he talks with Jose Rodriguez, founder, and CEO of Rescue a Generation Inc. as they talk about what it takes to reach a school campus and how to become a partner with the schools in your area. Teamwork is a key component to a successful campus ministry, especially with the administration.
Show Notes and Quotes:
They let me belong before I was expected to believe. I believe now because I belonged first. – Jose Rodriguez
If you steward a difficult student the right way, you will see a Saul turned to Paul. Those are the students that when the conversion happens they are just as radical as they were giving you a run for your money as they are now on your team. – Jose Rodriguez
For so long we have been trying to get students to come to us, to come to our event, youth group, or program. The tables have turned and we have to find more ways to go where students are at. – Jose Rodriguez

Growing up in the inner city, Jose Rodriguez was faced with many of the same challenges that students are faced with today. Impacted by his environment he made some poor choices. He joined a gang, got arrested for stealing cars, and even was suspended from school pretty regularly. His story is one that many can relate to today but it is a story of a complete turnaround.
Jose now is the founder and CEO of Rescue a Generation Inc., a non-profit that focuses on reaching students who are struggling in school due to behavior, suspensions, and family issues. He is a well sought out motivational speaker who speaks to students in a variety of venues across the nation. His passion for young people, authenticity, and boldness gives him the tools to effectively rescue this generation.

About Ben Trueblood
Ben serves as the Director of Student Ministry for Lifeway Christian Resources and has served the local church as a student pastor for fourteen years. In addition to his role at Lifeway, Ben is involved in training, consulting, and speaking to student ministries throughout the U.S. He is driven by a desire for student ministries to expand God’s Kingdom, to see the lives of students transformed by the gospel, and to produce students who shape the culture in which they live. Ben and his wife Kristen have four young children. In his free time Ben enjoys family, fishing, hunting, and the St. Louis Cardinals. You can follow Ben on Twitter at: @bentrueblood.