Register to join us live @ 1:00 P.M. CST on 8.25.22 

One of the greatest needs for student ministry is a better understanding of parent ministry. And we want to help you meet that need on August 25th.

Join us for LAUNCH, a free livestream with some of the sharpest minds in student ministry. You’ll hear why we need a fresh vision for parent ministry and gain tools and strategies to connect with the parents and guardians of students.

If you can’t watch it live, you can catch the replay on your own time. Register for LAUNCH today and help parents win at home!

Event Host



LAUNCH 2022 is a FREE virtual event for all youth ministry leaders. We truly believe that in order to launch strong in fall 2022, you need a support system in place—even if things are great at the moment. Being a ministry leader has unique challenges that can feel overwhelming and isolating. You are not meant to do this alone.