Try this game to begin a discussion about working together to save the lost or how to approach difficult tasks.
Medical Tubing or bungie cord, small trash can, tennis balls, 15 peaces of cord/rope.
To try and save the nest of Spiderman Eggs by using the NestSaver. The NestSaver is made up no less than 15 ropes attached to one piece of bungee or tubing. Two people will be assigned to a rope and asked to work together with the other NestSaver operators to place the bungee/rope around the nest and moving it back to the spider web. To make this more of a challenge you might ask the group to transport it to another next and to work together to turn the bucket over using the NestSaver to empty the Spiderman Eggs from one nest to the other.
This is a game of strategy to decide how best to work together as a group without losing any of the eggs. This would be a good discussion for working together to save the lost and how to approach difficult tasks.
Joe Hicks is manager for FUGE Camps.
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